Arnold Season 2: Release date, Rumors, Episodes Number and Schedule

Arnold Season 2: Release date, Rumors, Episodes Number and Schedule

Last updated on Mon, 11 Sep 2023

Will season second be Arnold's final? We should see it at 05/06/2024 just similar time as 1st. All information about upcoming season in this article.

Countdown to season 2:

Arnold series is a drama created by Netflix Originals. First time series was released worldwide on Netflix network on 2023-06-07. It has three episodes in 1st season. Arnold Schwarzenegger starring Arnold Schwarzenegger in the TV show.

Arnold Season 2 release date and episodes list

Season 2nd will consist of three episodes. They will be available on Netflix on demand immediately after release. Pilot episode starting in 05/06/2024. Greater detail schedule presented in this table:

Episode NumberNetflix Release DateEpisode Name
2X01June 5th, 2024Episode 1
2X02June 5th, 2024Episode 2
2X03June 5th, 2024Episode 3

Arnold Season 2 trailer and announcement

Watch live teaser about next part of drama filmed by Netflix. Official teaser will be released one month before the release date.

About Arnold

Arnold chronicles Arnold Schwarzenegger's journey from the countryside of Austria to the highest echelons of the American dream. In a series of candid interviews Schwarzenegger, his friends, foes, co-stars and observers cover everything from his days pumping iron to his triumphs in Hollywood, his time governing the state of California and both the joys and turbulence of his family life in a tale that matches his larger-than-life persona.

Who will star in Arnold season 2?

We wait the same actors to return in the second season as well. Arnold Schwarzenegger will return as Arnold Schwarzenegger.