Ancient Apocalypse (2022) Season 2: Release date, Plot, Schedule and Cast

Ancient Apocalypse (2022) Season 2: Release date, Plot, Schedule and Cast

Last updated on Sun, 11 Dec 2022

Will season 2 be Ancient Apocalypse (2022)'s last? We should see it on November 10th, 2023 near similar time as 1. All information about new part in this article.

Countdown to season 2:

Ancient Apocalypse (2022) television series is a history created by Netflix Originals. The television series premiered at the Netflix media streaming platform on November 11th, 2022. There are eight episodes in first season. Graham Hancock starred in the television series as Graham Hancock.

Ancient Apocalypse (2022) Season 2 trailer: is there a teaser yet?

Watch live teaser describing new part of Ancient Apocalypse (2022). Official video trailer will be released few weeks before the start date.


What if everything we know about prehistoric humans is wrong? Journalist Graham Hancock visits archaeological sites around the world to uncover whether a civilization far more advanced than we ever believed possible existed thousands of years ago.

Who will be seen in the updated season 2?

The key cast will return. Graham Hancock will return as Graham Hancock.

Ancient Apocalypse (2022) Season 2 release date: when will the new episodes arrive?

The continuing of history TV Show will consist of 8 episodes. They will be available online on Netflix right after release. Pilot episode starts on November 10th, 2023. Greater detail schedule provided inside table below.

Episode NumberNetflix Release DateEpisode Name
2X01November 10th, 2023Episode 1
2X02November 10th, 2023Episode 2
2X03November 10th, 2023Episode 3
2X04November 10th, 2023Episode 4
2X05November 10th, 2023Episode 5
2X06November 10th, 2023Episode 6
2X07November 10th, 2023Episode 7
2X08November 10th, 2023Episode 8