Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner Season 2: Release date, Trailer, Schedule and Plot

Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner Season 2: Release date, Trailer, Schedule and Plot

Last updated on Sun, 31 Mar 2024

Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner Series season 2nd was always bound to happen. It will return on 16/10/2024 almost same time as previous. All information about new part created by Blake Davis below.

Countdown to season 2:

Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner television series is a food Blake Davis. The television series aired on Netflix network in 2019-10-23. It has four episodes in first season. David Chang starring David Chang in the series.


David Chang is accompanied by a different celebrity guest exploring a single city, its culture and its cuisine. As the pair travels through each city, they will also uncover new and surprising things about themselves.

Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner Season 2nd release date: When is it out?

New season will once again be made up of four episodes. They will be accessible on Netflix on demand immediately after release. First episode will start in 16/10/2024. More detailed episodes list presented inside table below.

Episode NumberNetflix Release DateEpisode Name
2X01October 16th, 2024Episode 1
2X02October 16th, 2024Episode 2
2X03October 16th, 2024Episode 3
2X04October 16th, 2024Episode 4

Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner Season 2nd trailer: is there a teaser yet?

Watch online video trailer about next season of TV series. Official video trailer will be uploaded few weeks before the premiere date.

Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner Season 2 cast: Who's in it?

The key cast most likely return. David Chang will be back as David Chang.